Thursday, February 25, 2010

Traditional tree decorating time.

The weekend after every Thanksgiving, we decorate and put up the Christmas tree together. Daddy and the girls are in charge of decorating the tree. And Mommy is to decorate the rest of the house.

Well, since we had recently moved-in we weren't quite sure where to put things this holiday. So, we moved the piano and coffee table for the tree to be in the right corner of the room.

How many girls...I mean lights does it take to decorate YOUR tree???

Only AFTER the tree was completely decorated did we realize that it would fit perfectly on the LEFT side of the fireplace.

And "THAT'S" how you get your Christmas tree from one side of the room to the change the color of your decorations:)


  1. You've got some great shots of Jerry in there. A funny face and a good back side !!!

    The girls of course, are quite lovely. You should have them take the camera so we can see your good side!
